Creation and Responsibility

Like all of us, I think a lot about ways to reduce our impact on the environment.
That's why I use as material a mixture of finely ground wood (from sustainably managed forests) and corn starch. Wood is a beautiful natural material, used by man for centuries. Its warm color and grainy texture add a unique aesthetic to any object. Cornstarch acts as a binding agent, helping wood particles stick together.
The "zero waste" goal is ambitious, but 3D printing comes closer than any other manufacturing process. This is because 3D printing only uses the exact amount of material needed for each product. There is no waste from leftover parts or unused materials. In addition, production is done on demand, so there is no need to store finished products in a warehouse somewhere. If a customer wants a product, just print it and ship it. There is therefore no risk of overproduction or wastage of finished products. All of these factors make 3D printing a highly efficient and sustainable manufacturing process.